
Amber Engine: Sales Collateral

Amber ENgine

Sales Collateral 

Much of our marketing efforts were creating materials for our sales and event staff to use. Below are some of the pieces that were created to represent our brand externally.

Participation: Brand Strategist/Creative Director
Project: Sales Collateral
Company: Amber Engine

Brand Piece

This piece played with the yellow chair visualization that we used to represent Amber Engine. It opened through the center of the chair detailing information about the two sides we marketed to: the manufacturer and retailer. 


Companion Piece  

These sales pieces were created to explain our simple process and benefits to potential clients.

MFR_REP Sales Collateral_Front-03.png
MFR_REP Sales Collateral_-01.png

Process Maps 

These maps were designed to explain how we work in a visual way. Since our tools solve a rather complex problem, these visuals made the information more digestible to our potential users.

Process Map_v2-01.png
MFR_REP Sales Collateral_Front-01.png

VIP for Retailers Z-Fold 

Created for users once they committed to working with us at an event, this z-fold brochure walked them through how they would be onboarded. It was also used as a reference piece many times at events to explain the "high touch" process we use to get them started. It was created to be small and easy to carry based on where it was used at events.

VIP - outlines-01.png
VIP - outlines-02.png

Event Sales Collateral

These small pieces were created for quick take-aways at events. A color-coding system was created to segment Amber Engine's three main audiences.


Marketing Video 

Created by an outside agency in collaboration with myself and Amber Engine's CEO, this video was used to share the problem and solution of Amber Engine. This was used at events as a quick way to get people engaged, as well as on our marketing website.