
Amber Engine: Exports

Amber ENgine


In this section of the portal, our UX team created a place for retailers to manage their output channels. This section allows a retailer to group products to send to specific sales channels, and edit based on a specific output.

Participation: Brand Strategy/Creative Director
Project: Retail Portal
Company: Amber Engine

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To the left shows the products that are within an output called "Marketplace." A user can have multiple channels within an output based on how they sell. 

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Exports to meet your needs

An example of an Excel export needed to sell on certain e-tailer sites. The Amber Engine tool takes the retailer's digital data and creates the Excel sheet for them, reducing manual data entry time and errors. 

Amber Engine

Managing your Exports

Take a look at the video below to explore the preliminary UI/UX of the outputs section in action. 



Below is some of the process work that went into creating this initial iteration.

Screen Shot 2018-01-01 at 4.55.50 PM.png

Brainstorm meeting