
Amber Engine: Merchandising

Amber ENgine


In this section of the portal, our UX team created a place for retailers to kit and group multiple products. By creating a kit, a retailer can organize and sell multiple pieces of a product that they wouldn't sell individually, such as a bed frame and headboard. By creating a group, the retailer can create a collection of products to sell such as a dining table set with chairs and tables. Kits & groups are important to retailers for merchandising purposes. 

Participation: Brand Strategy/Creative Director
Project: Retail Portal
Company: Amber Engine

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Create kit/groups

Shown to the left is how you would create a new SKU for your kit/group. 

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Kit/groups attributes

Once you create a kit/group, you can update all the product information for the set of SKUs you brought together.

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Add/remove products

We created a simple way to add or remove products to your already created kit/groups. 

Amber Engine


Take a look at the video below to explore the preliminary UI/UX of the merchandising section.



Below is some of the process work that went into creating this initial iteration.

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